The tower was a place of safety during the Old Testament era. The tower provided a place of refuge for those who were pursued by the enemy. The Bible says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10, NASB).
We can and should make our home like a strong tower for our family as well. We have an enemy bent on our family’s destruction. This is not a human adversary. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12, KJV).
This opposition cannot be seen with the naked eye. It’s all happening in the spiritual realm. This in no way makes the battle we face any less real. The powers that be are the main reason our world is currently heading to a dark place. We have not been able to stem the tide from our enemy because conventional methods of fighting are powerless.
Three Things That Make Our Home a Strong Tower
The warfare aimed against us manifests itself in all walks of life. Our children experience it at school. We experience in the work place. It can even manifest itself at the local church. That’s why we should commit to making our home like a strong tower. It should be that refuge where everyone can go and be ministered to and equipped for the spiritual battle at hand.
So, how can we make our home like a strong tower?
First and foremost, our home must become a house of prayer. Parents, as the spiritual leaders in our home, we should keep all family members covered in prayer. We must model before them the importance of being prayerful about all things. When we make our home a house of prayer, we clothe our family and dwelling place with divine protection.
Secondly, to make our home a strong tower, it must be a place where the Word of God is supreme. The devil is the father of lies. He wants to undermine our commitment to biblical truth. He will use any and all means available to do that. We must be relentless in finding practical ways to overthrow the lies and distortions of this world. Our most powerful weapon for accomplishing this goal is the truths of God’s Word.
The psalmist says the NAME OF THE LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and are safe. Hence, thirdly, in order to make our home like a strong tower; we must make it a place where the name of the Lord is magnified. That means we must openly make mention of His name often in our home.
When we faithfully do these three things, God will give His angels charge concerning our home to guard us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11).
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