People will find ways to exploit just about anything these days. Sad but true the precious gospel of our Lord is no exception. Moreover, the success of some of our controversial TV preachers suggests that people of faith tend to be gullible with respect to the games people play in the name of the Lord.
Some time ago, I was listening to this preacher on TV. Eventually, he made a strange financial appeal. He told viewers that for those who would send him $16.31, their entire house would be saved. He based his appeal on the book of Acts 16:31. It reads, “They said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household’” (Acts 16:31, NASB).
How absurd can we get? God has no part in such games. The salvation of the Lord is not for sale. How can we as preachers exploit the Lord’s people like that?
Also, here is something I have seen a number of times. Someone posts a message on a social media site, promising a huge blessing if you forward the message to some specified number of people. Sometimes, the sender will tell you what God did for him or her for being obedient to forward the post.
Again, this is nonsense. It has no biblical basis. I’m afraid that the silly games people play like those above suggest something significantly wrong about the health of the Christian church of today.
The Motive Behind the Games Some Preachers Play
Some of our TV preachers today exploit the gospel to live high on the hog in the name of the Lord. Their plan is so predictable. Promise special blessings, healings, and/or prosperity to those who “go to the phone right now” and “send me a sacrificial offering.”
Some ministers are adamant that they are entitled to live lavish lifestyles and own expensive private jets in the name of the Lord. Some even claim that to live any other way is “a poor testimony.” Why should they not be a living example of how God can bless His people, they ask. Sad but true, many believers will dig into their wallets and succumb to such exploitation.
I know a number of local pastors of small churches who are following the lead of those high profile preachers who game God’s people. These local ministers refer to themselves as the next “Evangelist A” or the next “TV Preacher B.” Their words are tacit to a desire to sit in the same seat of their high profile idols.
Let me add that good ministers on TV and radio still exist. And there are many good local pastors. I have been blessed by some of them over the years of my preaching ministry. But we have no shortage of self-serving ministers as well. They are the focus of this post.
God still saves individuals and entire households. He still financially blesses His people. But His plan for salvation and blessings is found in the Scriptures and not in the whims or the schemes of men.
Copyright © 2022 by Frank King. All rights reserved.