I know what it means to have your faith tested. I don’t mean for a short while, but relentlessly for a period of several years. During that time, I was a pastor, preaching to my congregation about God’s faithfulness. But personally, I wasn’t feeling it. Perhaps, some of you are in a similar place as you read this post.
If you are, what I am about to say may not mean much right now, but here goes: don’t despise the testing of your faith. Why not? Because the testing of your faith is valuable. In fact, it’s priceless. In Peter’s first epistle, he wrote these words: “The trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth…” (1 Peter 1:7, KJV).
So, ask the average Christian, which would he rather have, gold or his faith tested? Which do you think he or she would choose? Most likely, it would be the gold. I mean, who in his right mind would opt for adversity? We only go through personal challenges because we have no choice. Or due to the consequences of our actions.
How I Benefitted from the Testing of My Faith
As I reflect on my ordeal I alluded to in the first paragraph, I hated that experience. I did not take it with smiles. All I wanted to know was how do you spell relief. But deep down, I knew the only way out of my situation was to go through it.
I prayed more each day than I used to. I fasted more. I paid close attention to everything as a potential sign from God–thoughts, dreams, etc.—trying to make sure I did not miss the voice of God. I so desperately needed to hear from Him about my situation.
I was determined to be faithful through it all. But some days I didn’t come close to batting a thousand. Nonetheless, when I came out of that personal storm, I was changed for a lifetime. I hated the process while I went through it. But when I got on the other side of it, I told others I would not give anything for the benefits I received.
We can grow only so much through reading the Bible and going to church. Some biblical truths can be learned only by experiencing them. That’s where the testing of your faith comes in. Some Christians, for instance, will fervently pray only when they desperately need God to do something for them. At other times, their prayer time is nonchalant and their Bible study is but a ritual.
When we are tested beyond ourselves, we feel compelled to reach out to someone higher than ourselves. That makes for intimate communion with God. For all the reasons above, let us not despise the trial of our faith. It can procure for us what no value of silver and gold can.
Copyright © 2022 by Frank King. All rights reserved.