It’s possible to be so focused on serving the Lord or on the busyness of life that you fail to take proper care of your physical body.
I am certainly not the most qualified person to preach to others about that. Most of my 40-plus years in the ministry, I was not a good steward of my physical body. For most of those years, I worked a full-time job through the day, did ministry through most of the night, and overtaxed my body trying to keep up.
On the other hand, perhaps I am the right person to address this subject to others. I know firsthand the negative impact of not being a good steward of one’s body.
Being a good steward of your body is not limited to getting proper rest, however. It also includes spiritual discipline, adequate physical exercise, and maintaining good eating habits.
The bottom line is that you can’t be your best at serving the Lord, if you fail to give due attention to your physical well-being. If currently you are not being a good steward of your body, here are several reasons you should start doing that.
1. Your Body Is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Think about that. The Holy Spirit of God lives in you! That means your body should be a place suitable for the Spirit of God to inhabit. God works in you through the Holy Spirit “both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13, NASB).
But obedience to God is not incidental to that inner working of God in you. The Holy Spirit does not make you obey the will of God. Rather, He empowers you to do so. Your physical body is the means by which you carry out His will for your life. That’s why being a good steward of your body includes sanctification through prayer, the Word of God and a godly lifestyle.
2. You Are What You Eat.
Medical experts agree that many of our health problems are directly related to poor eating habits. You can’t eat excessive amounts of junk foods and foods high in sugar, fats and cholesterol without adversely affecting your health over time. Ultimately, these two—your eating habits and your health–are mutually inclusive.
By the way, don’t look to your local church for inspiration for healthier eating. My experience has been that foods such as fried chicken, mac and cheese and deserts are a hit at church gatherings. Wouldn’t it be great if local churches led by example in the area of healthier eating habits when they gather in the social hall?
3. Maximized Physical Health Improves the Quality of Your Service to God
I know all too well the negative impact of not getting enough rest. It does not matter how much you love to pray and study the Bible, for instance; if you live a sleep-deprived life, you will consume excessive energy trying to stay awake, instead of praying and studying the Bible to edify yourself.
Of course, no matter what your physical condition is, you can serve the Lord. That’s good news because some people have physical challenges beyond their control. But the emphasis here is on the quality of your service. The healthier you are physically, the more effectively you can serve the Lord.
4. The Doctor Is Not the Enemy
I’m throwing this one out because some people of faith seem to think the doctor is the enemy. They dismiss bad medical reports from doctors as being from the enemy and choose to do nothing about their medical condition. This mindset is not compatible with being a good steward of your body. I thank God for medical doctors who do what they do to keep me healthy so I can more effectively serve the Lord. So should you.
Let me stress the point that being a good steward of your body is not about glorifying the flesh as the world does. Rather, it is to maximize your ability to glorify God. “Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:20, KJV).
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