No matter what type of local church you are looking for these days you can probably find it. All you have to do is Google “churches near me.” Even within Christendom, increasingly more divergent teachings exist among us.
That does not mean the place of worship we choose does not matter. On the contrary, it underscores the importance of finding and belonging to a Bible-believing church.
So, what does it mean to belong to a Bible-believing church? It is a local church that believes that all Scripture is God-inspired, and that the Scriptures are the authority for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (see 2 Timothy 3:16, NASB). In effect, it means that the Word of God undergirds the teaching, preaching and ministry work within the local church.
That definition seems rather straightforward but actually it’s not. Why? Because when we talk about belonging to a Bible-believing church, the Bible itself becomes front and center. And the truth is that biblical authority is on the decline in the Christian church today. Local churches continue to stray from adherence to sound biblical doctrine.
The Christian Church Today
Some believers may argue that we make too big a deal about doctrine. But I don’t think we can exaggerate the importance of sound doctrine. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,” Paul writes (2 Timothy 4:3a, KJV). “But after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears ( v. 3b)”
I believe we are currently living in the times characterized by these words of Paul. One, I many churchgoers today have little appetite for sound doctrine. And two, consequently; many churchgoers today are seeking teachers who will scratch their itchy ears. Their criterion for choosing a local church is that the leader preaches and teaches what they want to hear. But the church must be “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).
Furthermore, perhaps—I say perhaps–the growing decrease in Bible-based preaching today and the growing acceptance of liberal translations of the Bible in today’s pulpits are reflections of the Christian church’s willingness to give people what they want as opposed to what they need.
Consequently, “finding the right church” does not necessarily mean finding a Bible-believing church these days.
Four Reasons to Seek a Bible-believing Church
1. “In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,” Jesus warns (Matthew 15:9, KJV). When the teachings in a local church are not Bible-based, they are the teachings of men, falsely called “the prophetic” or “a move of the Holy Spirit.” It does matter how good these false teachings sound to the ear, those who engage in the same are promoting vain worship.
2. Faith comes by hearing, but hearing comes by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). As a preacher, I can stand in the pulpit on a Sunday and share a heart-warming story from a popular magazine. What I share might be engaging. It may even bring the congregation to tears or cheers. But it won’t minister to the people’s faith in God. My God-given objective is to preach so the people can hear so by hearing they might believe and by believing the lost may call on Christ and be saved. The only thing I or any other messenger can proclaim to accomplish that end is the Word of God.
3. The truth, the Word of God, is the only hope for the world and for the church today. We are not to be conformed to this world. To do so would be a disservice to the church and the lost. Sad but true, we live in a world where increasingly more people don’t not know what is the truth. One of its greatest needs today is for the church to speak truth to power and to speak the truth in love to the lost.
4. The more Bible-based message, the healthier the faith of God’s people will be. The unbiblical teachings, manipulation and worldly doctrines tolerated in the church today pervert faith in God. Bible-based preaching and teaching, on the other hand, safeguard us against a shipwrecked or unbiblical faith.
The Bottom Line
A growing number of people today downplay the importance of church membership. Accordingly, many Christian denominations are seeing a drop in attendance these days. But based on the four bullets above, the importance of church membership should be abundantly clear. And–finding the right church should mean finding a Bible-believing church.
Copyright © 2024 by Frank King. All rights reserved.
Thank you Pastor Frank. Hebrews 10: 25 reads “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”, There is a reason the scriptures tell us this. While finding a good church might be a challenge depending on what part of the world a person is living, there are always other options such as bible studies with fellow believers, fellowship groups, these are options that a believer can employ so that they are meeting with other believers.
Good point, regarding those in spiritually barren areas. Through the internet and digital technology, all believers can stay connected.