All Christians should want to be great servants of God. But God’s standard for greatness totally differs from that of the world. So, before we can proceed to be great in the eyes of God, we must know what is greatness in His eyes. One day …
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves.…Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth”– 2 Timothy 3:1, 2a, 7, KJV Paul the apostle penned these words in …
Christian living is characterized by a life that is Spirit-led and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Because of that, it is abnormal for Christians to live humanly normal lives. For the difference the Holy Spirit can make in our lives, we have only to look at …
How do you know if someone is a genuine Christian? Perhaps you say that’s none of our business. It’s a matter between each individual and God. Relax. I am not promoting judging the eternal fate of others. But the question posed above makes for good and …
In psalm 23, David the psalmist writes, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me ….” (verse 4, NASB). These words did not necessarily reflect David’s reality. Rather, they underscored the depth of …
Look at the world around you. What do you see it? Many people take the world at face value. They believe that what they see accurately reflects reality. They don’t believe a world of the spirit exists with real consequences. Those of us who believe such …
One dictionary defines hope as this: “To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.” Everybody needs hope. It helps to sustain us when our heart becomes overwhelmed. This is true for Christians and for unbelievers. Functionally, Christian hope and worldly hope are the same. They …
A verse often quoted in churches and by TV preachers is found at Jeremiah 29:11: Why not; it doesn’t get any more positive than that. To be fair, it can be argued that the words in the verse above captures God’s thoughts toward every believer. And …
You can be a genuine Christian and at the same time live your life in defeat. It’s possible to be a good churchgoing boy or girl or man or woman and still not live a victorious life. That may sound ironic given the supernatural power of …
I believe every sane person on earth wants the best life he or she can have. God is not against us enjoying the things of this world. It is He who has wired us to desire the same. In fact, God gives us all things richly …