Listen to people in the world talk today. They often do so as if God doesn’t count. Many of them make light of the authority of the Scriptures. To them, the Bible is just another literary work. They read it, heeding none of its warnings and …
“It is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (Romans 13:11, KJV). Paul the apostle wrote these words to the church at Rome. These words suggest that the church at Rome had spiritually fallen asleep. Paul’s …
Perhaps every local church has some. I’m talking about traditions and man-made rules. Sometimes, they have resulted from events that happened in the past that needed to be addressed. Some of these traditions serve the local church well. But whenever the traditions of men negate the …
‘So, Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”’ (John 8:31-32, NASB). Jesus hereby makes a distinction between …
Can you love someone even though you dislike things about him or her? Absolutely, you can. God does not require us to like everything about everybody. He just requires us to love everybody. True love goes beyond our feelings. Love comprises actions. We can choose to …
Not only is Christianity a new way of living but also it is a new way of fighting our battles. In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul the apostle writes these words: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty …
I agree that Christians have a ways to go in learning how to walk in Christlike love. But I do not agree that all the animosity shown toward the Christian community is due to a lack of love toward those outside the faith. Some of this …
It’s important to understand the context of a matter before you judge the conduct of another person. It’s hard if not impossible to properly judge what you don’t understand. Sometimes, a seemingly insignificant experience can drive home this priceless truth. I had one of those moments …
Terrorism. Financial hardship. Chronic diseases. These are some reasons many people today are anxious or they worry about life. We are prone to anxiety and worry whenever problems or challenges in life cause us to feel overwhelmed. It’s easy for us to follow the world in …
I know the title of this post has a kind of preachy title. But hopefully this post will help some people. I have pastored churches for decades. And I talk with church pastors of other local churches. Those who have been there know that pastoring can …