It’s a natural desire to want to succeed in what you do. Who wants to fail at what he does? Show me somebody who does and I will show you a person who needs some help. There is absolutely nothing commendable or holy about being disinterested …
We worship God and Him alone. This is clearly taught in the Scriptures. But what constitutes acceptability? How can you know that when you attend a local church to express reverence to God that it pleases Him? The book of Genesis, chapter 4, records the first …
Sometimes, I hear somebody say, “We are all God’s children.” But that is not true. God created us all; we are all His creation but we are not all His children. One day Jesus was talking to the Pharisees. In chapter 8 of John’s record of …
Has it ever seemed to you as if God was taking you around the world just to cross the street? Or that He majors on making simple things complicated? We can be tempted to entertain thoughts like those because our perspective pales in comparison to God’s. I …
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ. Not by works lest we should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). But that does not mean that those who strive to live for Christ are being legalistic. A desire to obey His teachings does not necessarily mean the person …
I have always made bodily exercise a priority. It’s a no-brainer that it’s good for the body. Many of our health problems can be traced back to a lack of physical exercise. Some businesses provide incentives for their employees to make physical exercise a priority. Employers …
I believe the ministry of exhortation is crucial in these final days. Some of us may make light of its importance, but we must think beyond ourselves. Some Christians need exhortation more than others do. What is exhortation? It involves encouraging others; entreating or motivating them …
Paul the apostle wrote the following words to the church at Ephesus: “…After that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession….” (Ephesians 1:13b, 14a, KJV). Of course, the …
When a person’s thinking is errant or misguided, it can negatively impact his or her entire life. This is not only true for those who don’t know the Lord but for Christians as well. Yes, I am saying that you can be a genuine Christian and …
My purpose in this blog post is not to cast a negative light on preachers of the gospel. After all, I am a preacher myself. But one day, I met a former preacher who is now an atheist. Such an encounter can be eye-opening with regard …