The guidance of the Holy Spirit is vital to the life of believers. “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth,” Jesus said concerning the Holy Spirit (John 16:13, KJV). That means the Holy Spirit and the Word of …
I often hear church people say, “the Lord is good.” It’s a popular religious cliché. But how do you know He is good? Is it merely because the Bible says He is? Is it just because others told you so? What is your personal testimony as …
When we accept Christ as our Savior, we receive everything we need to live a godly life in Christ. “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness….” (2 Peter 1:3, NASB). Note that we have received not some things but everything …
When someone seeks a local church to unite with, he should seek one where the Bible is faithfully preached and taught. This will be a primary consideration for those who are serious about God. Simply belonging to a Bible-believing church is not enough. You can’t grow …
Christians sing and talk a lot about the power of God. But how much do we experience it in our life? I believe we are only scratching the surface in this area. God’s power toward us is indescribably greater than we can imagine. In Paul the …
Thank God, Jesus obeyed death by way of the cross. It is the means by which we are saved and receive eternal life—if we believe. The fact that we are saved by faith in Christ’s work on the cross and not by our works constitutes the …
For most of my adult life, I have served as a church pastor while also working a full-time job. Seven years ago, I retired from my job. Coming up to the time of my retirement, I became aware of how intimidating that time in one’s life …
The world does not care how spiritual we are if we don’t have love. God inspired the apostle Paul to address this matter in his epistle to the Corinthians. In chapter 12 of that letter, he taught on various spiritual gifts, nine to be exact. But …
As Christians, we often use praise and worship interchangeably. In the Bible, however, we find commandments to worship God and commandments to praise God. These two are not the same. Praising God First let’s talk about praising God. In the very last verse of the book …
Becoming a new creation is one thing. But living as a new creation is another. It’s not hard for someone to become a new creation in Christ. All that’s necessary is for him to repent of his sins and genuinely place his faith in Christ’s redemptive …