The high priest in the Old Testament represented the congregation of Israel before God. Similarly, as our Great High Priest, Jesus represents us before the Father. But why do we need a High Priest? We have been granted the liberty to pray directly to the Father. …
Facing the cross of Calvary, Jesus’ human side showed up big time. He felt the weight of the burden He would bear. How would you like to know the exact day you were going to die and the barbaric way it was going to occur? “My …
“What would Jesus do if He were in my situation?” Have you ever asked yourself that question? During His public ministry, He met opposition from the scribes and Pharisees. The four accounts of the gospel document some of those passionate encounters. As I read those accounts, …
Wherever Jesus went, multitudes gathered to hear Him. It was not that way for the scribes and the Pharisees. So, I thought to myself, what was it that made Jesus such a hit with people? There was no one like Jesus, and there never will be. …
Years ago, I read some interesting results of research conducted by the Barna Group. It addressed what Americans believe about the person of Christ. It goes without saying that not everybody in Christendom agrees on who Jesus was and is. That’s one of the reasons we …