Some relationships are good, and some are bad. By bad relationships, I don’t mean the people we share these relationships with are necessarily bad. But they are a liability in our relationship with God. Sometimes, we try holding onto people that we know are taking away …
If you pray to God regularly, I am sure you pray about spiritual things and significant issues pertaining to your physical or temporal needs. But are there some things that concern you that you tend to not “bother God” with? Some years ago, I was praying, …
Some preachers today proudly refer to themselves as prosperity preachers. They promote a message that emphasizes material gain and wealth. In this post, I focus on the danger of unbiblical prosperity teachings. These teachings are perversions of the truth about biblical prosperity. Some preachers today pervert …
First of all, I want to wish all mothers an abundantly blessed Mother’s Day. Thank you for all the amazing things you do. The normal passage into motherhood is childbearing. But some women who have never given birth to a child become mothers through adoption or …
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:36, NIV). A man asked Jesus that question. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,” He replied (verse 37, NIV). “This is the first …
“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Matthew 18:1, KJV). The disciples asked Jesus this question. He responded by placing a little child in the midst of them. As He often did, He used their question for a teachable moment. “Except ye be converted, …
Do you ever doubt the fact that God fulfills His promises? Sometimes, we are guilty of treating God as if He were a man. We may not realize that we are doing this even when we are. For instance, we may regard a situation as hopeless …