Prayer requires patience. Oftentimes, a duration of time exists between when we pray to God, and when we receive from Him. So is it, as some believers argue, a lack of faith to pray to God about the same thing more than once? Jesus spoke a …
I believe it’s safe to say that we all care about how we look when we go public. How can we not? We live in a world where appearance seems to be everything. To aid us in our self-evaluation; most, if not all of us, look …
In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul the apostle addressed that local church about its disorder in the area spiritual gifts. He said when they came together as a body, everyone had a doctrine, a tongue, a revelation, or an interpretation (1 Cor. …
Some people think we live, we die, and we are buried, end of story. They don’t concern themselves with existence beyond the grave. But their perspective on life and death is far from the truth. The Bible declares that things don’t end when we die. But …
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent” (Num. 23:19, KJV). But sometimes, we tend to relate to God as if He were a man. For instance, we think He can’t solve our problem simply because …
I believe many honest Christians would admit that they are not satisfied with their current relationship with Christ. Perhaps it’s because they struggle morally in one or more areas in their life, and they can’t seem to overcome. Or maybe they feel inadequate to effectively do …
In the second chapter of Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth, he said he came to them as if he knew nothing other than Christ and Him crucified. “And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling” (1 Cor. …
When the Bible states that we should not love the world, this is not a reference to the people in this world. God wants us to love everyone. But He does not want His people to love the ways of this world. He does not want …