It seems to me that sin has become an ugly word in Christianity today. Some argue that sin should not be mentioned because we lived under grace. We know God’s grace always suffices when we sin. Nevertheless, as Paul the apostle writes, “Shall we continue in …
Success in life does not just happen. At least, that’s true for most of us. The occasional news you hear about someone inheriting success is the exception and not the rule. With God on our side, we increase our chances of success in life. But even …
It matters what we believe. “Everything is possible for him who believes,” Jesus says (Mark 9:23, NIV). This one verse speaks volumes about the power of faith. It says, in effect, that faith opens us up to a world of endless possibilities. Of course, I am …
Have you been praying for someone to be saved and nothing seems to be happening? Jesus says, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” Luke 18:1, KJV). The point is that the answers to our prayers seldom come immediately. After we have prayed to …
God knows much more about molding our children into winners than we do. He created them. We do well to heed His counsel with regard to parenting. He understands the importance of parental discipline in the early life of children. He says, “Train up a child …
Justification refers to the act of God declaring us to be righteous or just in His eyes through faith in His Son. The doctrine of justification by faith is fundamental to all genuine Christian denominations. We may worship differently, sing differently, or preach differently, but we …
In 2016, hurricane Matthew hit the United States. One thing that experience underscored to me was that life is precious. Because I live in the Southeastern portion of the United States, less than 20 miles from the coastline, we were subject to a mandatory evacuation. My …