Thank God, Jesus obeyed death by way of the cross. It is the means by which we are saved and receive eternal life—if we believe. The fact that we are saved by faith in Christ’s work on the cross and not by our works constitutes the …
As I write this blog post on the first day of the new year, 2024, I can sense the energy that comes with the arrival of a New Year. People of faith around the country and the world held special and high-spirited gatherings to bring in …
Relative to the date of this post, we are just a few days from 2024. This is a good time to think back and to look ahead. I hope you are looking forward to this new year and all the potential it holds for you. Whatever …
For most of my adult life, I have served as a church pastor while also working a full-time job. Seven years ago, I retired from my job. Coming up to the time of my retirement, I became aware of how intimidating that time in one’s life …
Are you familiar with the term the Great Commission? Based on a survey several years ago by the Barna Group in partnership with the Seed Company, 51% of churchgoers said they had not heard of the term “the Great Commission.” Among the other 49% of churchgoers, …
True faith in God is vital to living the Christian life. Actually, faith in God is the essence of Christianity. No one can be saved without faith. Without faith, no one can please God. And no one can expect to receive from God if he lacks …
The world does not care how spiritual we are if we don’t have love. God inspired the apostle Paul to address this matter in his epistle to the Corinthians. In chapter 12 of that letter, he taught on various spiritual gifts, nine to be exact. But …
During the Covid-19 pandemic, online church became the order of the day. As a part of our response to the pandemic in 2020, nearly all Protestant churches provided streaming services (96%), according to research by the Barna Group. Now fast forward. Many local churches today continue …
As Christians, we often use praise and worship interchangeably. In the Bible, however, we find commandments to worship God and commandments to praise God. These two are not the same. Praising God First let’s talk about praising God. In the very last verse of the book …