Building Your Life on a Good Foundation
No building can be any stronger than the foundation upon which it is built. It does not matter how appealing a building is on the outside, if it has a poor foundation, it is not a good building. The same thing is true about our personal life. No one can be any stronger than the foundation that his life has been built upon. But how do you build a good foundation for your life? This short video message addresses that important question.
Our Weapons Are Not Carnal
Not only is Christianity a new way of living, but also it is a new way of fighting. This video addresses how Christians are supposed to fight their battles. Carnal weapons refer to weapons of the flesh. We all know how to fight with the weapons of the flesh. We were born with that ability. We have had lifelong practice fighting that way. But once we become a Christian, God wants us to abandon the weapons of the flesh.
Joy Versus Happiness
We tend to use the terms joy and happiness interchangeably. But just because you are happy does not mean that you have joy. Happiness is a function of what’s happening in your life. We tend to be happy when good things are happening in our life. Nobody goes around being happy when things are going wrong. But in Christ, you can have joy even when conditions for happiness don’t exist because joy, unlike happiness, is not dependent upon your circumstances.
God’s Word Is the Light for Our Path
This short video focuses on the Word of God as our guide for life. We live in a spiritually dark world. But the good news is that we don’t have to follow the way of this world. God has given us His Word to be the light for our path. Accordingly, the psalmist writes, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105, NASB). This world will increasingly plunge into spiritual darkness and confusion. But the darker the darkness becomes, the more brightly the light of God’s Word will shine.
Pray Always and Don’t Give Up
This short video addresses a vital key to success in prayer. We live in a fast paced and digital world. These days, we can access almost anything we want through the click of a mouse or the tap of an app. The problem is that we tend to bring that modern day mentality into our dealings with God. But God seldom answers prayer instantly. Sometimes He does. But most of the time, He does not. To realize success in prayer, you must be persistent in prayer, and you must not become weary and lose heart.
Love Is Greater Than Spiritual Gifts
This short video addresses the power of love in the life of a Christian. God wants us to grow spiritually and to exercise spiritual gifts. That’s why He imparts those gifts to us. But if our spiritual fervor is not seasoned with genuine love, we will have limited positive impact upon the lives of others. Unbelievers are not impressed with our spirituality—no matter how profound it is. Genuine love is the most powerful gift we have for impacting the lives of others for the Kingdom of God.
Why Some Christians Fail to Grow
This short video addresses why some Christians who attend church and hear the Word fail to grow spiritually. The Word of God has the power to transform our life. It is to that end that the Lord calls and anoints His servants to preach His Word. Still, some Christians fail to grow over time because of the reason revealed in this video message.
We Can Do All Things Through Christ
According to Philippians 4:13, Paul the apostle says he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. Oftentimes, the things God calls us to do are bigger than we are. We can’t do them in our own strength. But the good news is that God always—He always equips us to do what He calls us to do. As Christians, we have Christ living on the inside of us by way of His Spirit. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do whatever it is that God has called us to do or that He allows us face.
Having a Hunger for God
What is your appetite for the things of God? Your answer to that question determines the quality of relationship with God you will have. To have a hunger for God means that no matter where you are in your relationship with Him, you want more of Him. Sad but true, in the church today, many people want to have a great relationship with God, but they don’t want to pay the price to have that kind of relationship with Him.