The high priest in the Old Testament represented the congregation of Israel before God. Similarly, as our Great High Priest, Jesus represents us before the Father. But why do we need a High Priest? We have been granted the liberty to pray directly to the Father. …
Has God called you to the work of the ministry, such as preaching, teaching or church leadership? All of us should want to succeed in what we do for the Lord. So, what is the key to success in Christian ministry? Some may say that’s an …
Thank God, Jesus obeyed death by way of the cross. It is the means by which we are saved and receive eternal life—if we believe. The fact that we are saved by faith in Christ’s work on the cross and not by our works constitutes the …
It seems to me that sin has become an ugly word in Christianity today. Some argue that sin should not be mentioned because we lived under grace. We know God’s grace always suffices when we sin. Nevertheless, as Paul the apostle writes, “Shall we continue in …
“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Paul the apostle penned these words to the church at Philippi (Philippians 4:11, KJV). Note that Paul does not say he was born with the ability to be content no matter what his state …